Track Categories

The track category is the heading under which your abstract will be reviewed and later published in the conference printed matters if accepted. During the submission process, you will be asked to select one track category for your abstract.

This session will provide a broad overview of current issues and advancements in neurology. Participants will discuss recent research findings, clinical practices, and emerging trends in the field. The session aims to update attendees on significant developments in understanding Neurological functions, diagnosing disorders, and implementing effective treatments.

  • Track 1-1: Fundamentals of neurology
  • Track 1-2: Emerging Diagnostic Tools
  • Track 1-3: Innovative Treatment Approaches
  • Track 1-4: Neurological Disorders Overview
  • Track 1-5: Clinical Best Practices

Focus on the applications and advancements in neurostimulation technologies used to treat Neurological and psychiatric conditions. The session will cover various techniques, including deep brain stimulation (DBS), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and spinal cord stimulation (SCS). Discussions will explore the mechanisms behind these therapies, their clinical efficacy, and emerging innovations in neurostimulation.

  • Track 2-1: Introduction to Neurostimulation
  • Track 2-2: Innovative Neurostimulation Technologies
  • Track 2-3: Clinical Applications and Efficacy
  • Track 2-4: Integration into Clinical Practice
  • Track 2-5: Future Directions and Innovations
  • Track 2-6: Ethical Considerations and Patient Perspectives

Delve into the process of neurogenesis, where new neurons are formed in the brain. This session will explore the biological mechanisms that drive neurogenesis, its role in brain development and repair, and its implications for treating Neurological conditions. Topics will include the impact of neurogenesis on cognitive function, recovery from injury, and potential therapeutic applications.

  • Track 3-1: Fundamentals of Neurogenesis
  • Track 3-2: Neurogenesis in Health and Disease
  • Track 3-3: Influencing Factors and Environmental Impact
  • Track 3-4: Therapeutic Potential
  • Track 3-5: Research and Clinical Innovations
  • Track 3-6: Practical Applications

Examine the physiological processes that underpin neural function in this detailed session. Discussions will focus on how neural circuits operate, the role of neurotransmitters, and the physiological changes associated with various Neurological conditions. Participants will explore methods for studying neural activity and how these insights contribute to understanding brain function and disease.

This session will delve into the development and application of pharmacological treatments for Neurological conditions. It will cover the latest advancements in drug discovery, including novel neuropharmacological agents, their mechanisms of action, and their clinical efficacy. Participants will explore innovative therapies aimed at enhancing patient outcomes in various Neurological disorders, along with discussions on personalized medicine approaches and emerging trends in neurotherapeutics.

  • Track 5-1: Innovative Drug Therapies
  • Track 5-2: Emerging Pharmacological Agents
  • Track 5-3: Clinical Trial Insights
  • Track 5-4: Therapeutic Strategies
  • Track 5-5: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
  • Track 5-6: Patient-Centered Care

This comprehensive session will address a spectrum of Neurological disorders, including chronic and progressive neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's disease. Discussions will focus on the latest research on disease pathogenesis, advancements in diagnostic techniques, and the development of new therapeutic strategies. The session will also explore the impact of these diseases on patients and their families, and the ongoing efforts to improve treatment and management.

  • Track 6-1: Neurological Disorders Overview
  • Track 6-2: Neurodegenerative Diseases Focus
  • Track 6-3: Diagnostic Innovations
  • Track 6-4: Therapeutic Strategies
  • Track 6-5: Case Studies and Best Practices
  • Track 6-6: Future Directions and Research

Explore the complexities of neuromuscular disorders, which affect the communication between nerves and muscles. This session will provide insights into conditions such as muscular dystrophy, myasthenia gravis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Topics will include current diagnostic methods, treatment advancements, and ongoing research aimed at improving the quality of life for patients with these challenging conditions.

  • Track 7-1: Overview of Neuromuscular Disorders
  • Track 7-2: Diagnostic Innovations
  • Track 7-3: Treatment and Management Strategies
  • Track 7-4: Case Studies and Practical Applications
  • Track 7-5: Research and Future Directions
  • Track 7-6: Multidisciplinary Collaboration

A practical session dedicated to clinical neurology, focusing on the diagnosis and management of Neurological conditions. This session will include case studies, discussions on clinical techniques, and updates on best practices. Participants will gain insights into effective patient care strategies and the integration of new research findings into clinical practice.

  • Track 8-1: Diagnostic Approaches in Clinical Neurology
  • Track 8-2: Management Strategies for Neurological Disorders
  • Track 8-3: Case Studies and Clinical Scenarios
  • Track 8-4: Innovative Therapeutic Techniques
  • Track 8-5: Patient-Centered Care and Communication
  • Track 8-6: Interdisciplinary Collaboration & Ethical and Legal Considerations

This session will highlight the specialized role of nursing in managing patients with Neurological disorders. Topics will include advanced nursing practices, patient care strategies, and the challenges faced by Neurological nurses. The session will also cover innovative approaches to nursing care and the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in optimizing patient outcomes.

  • Track 9-1: Comprehensive Care for Neurological Patients
  • Track 9-2: Advanced Clinical Skills
  • Track 9-3: Innovations in Neurological Nursing
  • Track 9-4: Patient Education and Support:
  • Track 9-5: Multidisciplinary Collaboration & Ethical and Legal Considerations
  • Track 9-6: Challenges and Solutions in Neurological Nursing

Focus on Neurological conditions affecting pediatric patients in this session. Topics will include congenital disorders, developmental delays, and neurogenetic conditions specific to children. The session will explore diagnostic methods, treatment options, and research advancements tailored to the needs of pediatric neurology.

  • Track 10-1: Pediatric Neurological Disorders
  • Track 10-2: Early Diagnosis and Intervention
  • Track 10-3: Neurodevelopmental Disorders& Multidisciplinary Care
  • Track 10-4: Neurogenetic and Metabolic Disorders
  • Track 10-5: Management of Pediatric Seizure Disorders
  • Track 10-6: Psychosocial Aspects of Pediatric neurology & Case Studies and Clinical Insights

Explore the intersection of neurology and immunology in this session. Discussions will center on autoimmune Neurological diseases, neuroinflammation, and the role of the immune system in Neurological disorders. Participants will learn about emerging treatments that target immune system dysfunctions and how these therapies are reshaping the management of Neurological diseases.

This session will cover advancements in neurosurgical techniques and their application in treating Neurological conditions. Topics will include the latest surgical innovations, patient outcomes, and case studies highlighting complex neurosurgical procedures. Participants will gain insights into how neurosurgery is evolving and its impact on patient care.

  • Track 12-1: Advanced Surgical Techniques
  • Track 12-2: Neurosurgical Navigation and Imaging & Neurovascular Surgery
  • Track 12-3: Brain Tumor Surgery & Surgical Complications and Risk Management
  • Track 12-4: Spinal Surgery Innovations
  • Track 12-5: Neurotrauma Management
  • Track 12-6: Functional Neurosurgery & Emerging Technologies and Research

Delve into the study of neural circuits and the concept of neural feedback in this session. Topics will include the structure and function of neural circuits, their role in behavior and cognition, and how neural feedback mechanisms are used in therapeutic contexts. Discussions will focus on how these circuits influence brain function and how feedback is applied in clinical and research settings.

  • Track 13-1: Understanding Neural Circuits
  • Track 13-2: Neural Network Models & Clinical Applications and Therapeutic Approaches
  • Track 13-3: Functional Connectivity and Mapping
  • Track 13-4: Neural Feedback Mechanisms & Ethical Considerations and Future Directions
  • Track 13-5: rain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs)
  • Track 13-6: Neuroplasticity and Circuit Remodeling

Explore the brain's remarkable ability to adapt and reorganize itself through neuroplasticity. This session will cover how neuroplasticity contributes to learning, recovery from Neurological injuries, and rehabilitation. Participants will discuss the implications of neuroplasticity for developing new therapies and enhancing brain function.

Examine the latest advancements in neuroimaging technologies, including MRI, CT scans, and other radiological methods used to diagnose and monitor Neurological conditions. This session will focus on how imaging techniques are improving diagnostic accuracy, treatment planning, and research into brain and nervous system disorders.

  • Track 15-1: Fundamentals of Neuroimaging
  • Track 15-2: Advancements in Imaging Technologies
  • Track 15-3: Neuroimaging in Neurological Disorders
  • Track 15-4: Radiological Techniques and Protocols
  • Track 15-5: Functional and Molecular Imaging & Clinical Case Discussions
  • Track 15-6: Neuroimaging in Neurosurgical Planning

Investigate the interplay between neurology, psychology, and psychiatry in this session. Topics will include how Neurological conditions impact mental health and the integration of psychiatric approaches into Neurological care. Discussions will focus on mental health interventions and their effects on Neurological conditions.

  • Track 16-1: Foundations of Psychology and Psychiatry
  • Track 16-2: Psychiatric Disorders in neurology
  • Track 16-3: Neuropsychological Assessment & Integration of Psychiatry in Neurological Practice
  • Track 16-4: Psychopharmacology & Impact of Psychological Factors on Neurological Outcomes
  • Track 16-5: Therapeutic Approaches and Psychotherapy
  • Track 16-6: Behavioral neurology and Neuropsychiatry

Explore how behavioral science intersects with neurology, focusing on research related to behavior, cognition, and the impact of Neurological disorders on behavior. This session will cover studies on behavioral interventions, cognitive function, and the relationship between Neurological health and behavior.

  • Track 17-1: Foundations of Behavioral Sciences
  • Track 17-2: Behavioral Assessments and Interventions
  • Track 17-3: Neurobehavioral Disorders & Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
  • Track 17-4: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Other Therapeutic Approaches
  • Track 17-5: The Role of Environmental and Social Factors
  • Track 17-6: Behavioral neurology

Present and discuss recent findings from clinical trials, case studies, and ongoing research in neurology. This session will highlight new insights, experimental therapies, and their implications for clinical practice. Participants will gain a comprehensive overview of cutting-edge research and its potential impact on the field of neurology.

  • Track 18-1: Overview of Recent Clinical Trials
  • Track 18-2: Innovative Research Developments
  • Track 18-3: Case Studies in neurology
  • Track 18-4: Translational Research & Challenges and Solutions in Clinical Research
  • Track 18-5: Ethical Considerations in Clinical Trials
  • Track 18-6: Emerging Technologies and Tools

Neurophysiology and Brain Function is a field dedicated to understanding the intricate workings of the brain and nervous system at a physiological level. It explores how neurons communicate through electrical impulses and chemical signals, examining the fundamental processes of neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity. This discipline employs advanced imaging techniques, such as functional MRI (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG), to visualize and analyze brain activity in real time, revealing how different brain regions interact and respond to stimuli.

  • Track 19-1:  Neuronal Communication
  • Track 19-2: Brain Activity and Imaging
  • Track 19-3: Pathophysiology of Neurological Disorders
  • Track 19-4: Brain Rhythms and Oscillations
  • Track 19-5: Innovations in Electrophysiological Monitoring
  • Track 19-6: Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery.

Brain Imaging and Diagnostics focuses on advanced techniques used to visualize and assess brain structure and function. This field utilizes tools like functional MRI (fMRI), which tracks real-time brain activity by measuring blood flow, and electroencephalography (EEG), which records electrical activity from the scalp. These imaging methods provide insights into brain connectivity, identify abnormalities, and monitor disease progression. Additionally, techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) scans offer detailed images of brain anatomy and help diagnose various Neurological conditions.

  • Track 20-1: Advanced MRI Techniques
  • Track 20-2: Biomarkers for Early Diagnosis of Neurological Disorders
  • Track 20-3: Computed Tomography (CT) for Neurological Disorders
  • Track 20-4: Functional MRI (fMRI) Applications
  • Track 20-5: Electroencephalography (EEG) Insights
  • Track 20-6: Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Imaging

Neurointervention Advances focus on the evolving techniques and technologies used to treat Neurological conditions through minimally invasive procedures. This field includes the development of advanced catheter-based procedures for addressing cerebrovascular disorders, such as aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations. Recent innovations involve the use of neurovascular stents, coil embolization, and mechanical thrombectomy to manage stroke and improve patient outcomes.

  • Track 21-1: Endovascular Techniques for Aneurysm Treatment
  • Track 21-2: Mechanical Thrombectomy Innovations
  • Track 21-3: Neurovascular Stenting
  • Track 21-4: Image-Guided Brain Tumor Resection
  • Track 21-5: Neuroendoscopic Procedures
  • Track 21-6: Advanced Coil Embolization Techniques

Gene and Cell Therapy focuses on innovative treatments aimed at correcting genetic defects and repairing damaged cells to address Neurological disorders. This field includes gene editing techniques like CRISPR-Cas9, which are used to target and modify faulty genes associated with conditions such as Huntington’s disease and spinal muscular atrophy. Gene therapy also involves delivering therapeutic genes into patients' cells to produce missing or dysfunctional proteins.

  • Track 22-1: Gene Editing Techniques in neurology: Current Applications.
  • Track 22-2: Stem Cell Therapy for Neurological Regeneration
  • Track 22-3: CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing
  • Track 22-4: Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) Applications
  • Track 22-5: Combination Therapies in Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Track 22-6: Safety and Efficacy of Gene and Cell Therapies

Neuromodulation Techniques involve using various methods to alter nerve activity and treat Neurological and psychiatric disorders. These techniques adjust brain function through electrical, magnetic, or chemical means to influence mood, cognition, and pain perception. Common neuromodulation methods include Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), which uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells, and Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), which involves implanting electrodes to modulate brain circuits. Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) is another approach where electrical impulses are delivered to the vagus nerve to impact brain activity.

  • Track 23-1: Advancements in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
  • Track 23-2: Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS): Innovations and Outcomes
  • Track 23-3: Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)
  • Track 23-4: Responsive Neurostimulation Systems
  • Track 23-5: Neuromodulation for Depression
  • Track 23-6: Neuromodulation in Chronic Pain Management

Neurogenetics and Genomics focus on understanding the genetic and genomic basis of Neurological disorders and brain function. This field explores how genetic variations and mutations influence the development, progression, and treatment of Neurological conditions. Advances in genomic technologies, such as next-generation sequencing (NGS), have enabled detailed analysis of the human genome, leading to discoveries of genetic markers associated with diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and autism spectrum disorders. 

  • Track 24-1: Genomic Insights into Complex Neurological Disorders
  • Track 24-2: Role of Epigenetics in Neurological Diseases
  • Track 24-3: Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Applications
  • Track 24-4: Gene-Environment Interactions
  • Track 24-5: Functional Genomics in Brain Research
  • Track 24-6: Personalized Medicine in Neurogenetics

Neuro-oncology focuses on the study and treatment of tumors affecting the brain and central nervous system. This field encompasses the diagnosis, management, and research of primary brain tumors, such as gliomas, as well as secondary or metastatic tumors that originate elsewhere in the body. Advances in neuro-oncology include developments in imaging technologies for accurate tumor localization and characterization, as well as novel therapeutic approaches such as targeted therapies, immunotherapy, and personalized medicine. 

  • Track 25-1: Innovative Therapies for Brain Tumors: From Bench to Bedside
  • Track 25-2: Molecular Markers in Neuro-oncology: Diagnostic and Prognostic Implications
  • Track 25-3: Immunotherapy for Brain Tumors
  • Track 25-4: Genetic and Molecular Profiling of Tumors
  • Track 25-5: Challenges in Metastatic Brain Tumors
  • Track 25-6: Multidisciplinary Approaches in Tumor Management

Neurorehabilitation focuses on the recovery and improvement of function in individuals with Neurological impairments caused by injury, stroke, or degenerative diseases. This field encompasses a range of therapies aimed at restoring lost abilities and enhancing the quality of life for patients with conditions such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, and multiple sclerosis. Advances in neurorehabilitation include the development of personalized rehabilitation programs, utilization of cutting-edge technologies such as robotic-assisted therapy and virtual reality, and integration of neuroplasticity principles to support brain recovery.

  • Track 26-1: Advancements in Neurorehabilitation Techniques
  • Track 26-2: Virtual Reality and Robotics in Neurological Rehabilitation
  • Track 26-3: Virtual Reality for Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Track 26-4: Principles of Neuroplasticity in Recovery
  • Track 26-5: Advances in Cognitive Rehabilitation
  • Track 26-6: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Neurorehabilitation